Monday, February 13, 2012

A Better Brand of Beef Makes A Butter Burger Better ???

So if I'm slacking on by blog that means my training is on schedule. Okay ... I'm just going to say that to make an excuse for not blogging the last couple of days.

So Thursday night I made a last minute decision to go snowboarding. I went a week ago for the first time and had a blast but only went for about an hour and stayed on the bunny hill the whole time. This time it was the whole night and I graduated myself off the bunny hill because I felt like I had mastered the tow rope and honestly felt like I was better than all the little people on the bunny hill ( ha, oh how arrogance is bliss). So I became ambitious and every time I went up the chair lift I ended up carrying a little more snow with me. The mountain and I had a mutual agreement that every time I would take a little bit of it and it would take a little bit of me. After numerous face plants and snowball rolls down the hill, I ended the night laying face first in the middle of a run calling timeout and excepting the fact I'm not perfect at everything (very hard for me to believe now) and with the complete understanding as to why when I was skiing that I always saw snowboarders sitting down on the hill. I would have been content sitting on the hill the whole night on my butt, but I was told I couldn't do that and that I had to get down somehow. After a failed argument that the ski patrol could pull me down on one of their boards I painfully tumbled down the hill and into the warming house. I remember thinking ... I'm gunna pay for this later ... So at 9 pm I left the hill and half of my body and swung through Culvers (my favorite fast food restaurant of all time). Grabbed a team Scoppie butter burger meal and inhaled the whole thing on my way home.  For those of you questioning, which you shouldn’t if you know me, yes I did get the custard and after a long night on the hill this was my reward or so I thought. Now having blogged earlier that day that I was going to swim and run I forced myself to the gym at 10 pm at night ( oh so thankful at that point that I had decided to start blogging that day otherwise I probably would have been hitting the hay, way to hold me accountable! )

I hit the treadmill for a 6 mile run which was horribly painful. I thought my bum was on fire from falling on it all night long. I’ve never struggled so much through a run before, not only from the pain my body was feeling but also the pain my nostrils were going through. I decided to hop on a treadmill next to someone who could have used  a little more axe deodorant, if you know what I mean. And then of course you always have to check yourself first to make sure it’s not you, which most of the time it is me. So I did the armpit swipe, nope not me this time. Anyways, I was exhausted and fatigued and was thinking how I had to do an hour swim after this too ... Ekkkkk!! Well I hopped in the pool fatigued and wanting to just float for the hour I had wondered if that counted since I was technically still in the pool. I started out with a warm up 500 meter front crawl swim. Half way through my second 500 I was burping up Culvers butter burgers and fries. It was so gross, nothing like a regurgitated burger. I have no clue how cows do it!. I was really regretting that team Scoppie meal. It was not the feeling I wanted at 11:30 at night. I also had not taken any product/supplements all day. Oh was I one hurting girl. In the middle of my second lap of my third 500 I had a swim stopping, foot cramp. I felt like my right leg was paralyzed. It was a good thing the pool was only 3 ft 6 inches deep. Yes I am taller than that and my head is above the water contrary to all the short jokes out there.. Just remember ... good things coming in small packages. Anyways, I was able to hobble over to the wall and chug some water. I decided to modify my workout to 4 x 500 and to do my 3rd 500 as a pull. When I had finished it was 12:10 am and as I was leaving the gym reviewing my workout, my nutrition background slammed in my head and I remember the importance of a good diet while training. Needless to say on race morning a Team Scoppie Meal will not be on my menu.

The next morning I was up at 5 am and took my Slam and catalyst (supplements, I will go into further detail later) and did a 55 minute Bike Trainer ride and was back at the club at 6 am swimming my little heart out and by 7:30 am fully fueled and ready to take on the world with an egg breakfast in me. What the difference nutrition can have on the body!

"Never eat more than you can lift"
- Miss Piggy

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